Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Dissident Voice: This is What Murdochracy Looks Like

"A while back CNN ran one of those non-scientific polls asking its viewers if they were “concerned that a small number of companies own all cable, TV, radio and web properties.” 96% of the viewers responded “yes”. There was genuine astonishment in Lou Dobb’s voice as he reported the figures to his viewers.  He said something to the effect that it was the most lop sided poll results in CNN history. 
In the last two decades an epic revolution has transformed America’s political landscape. A combination of two separate mega forces has morphed into a monster that has steadily eroded the very foundations of democracy in America. Cable TV and a few high caliber think tanks have combined forces to seize the reigns of power in Washington. 
The Orwellian paranoia of state controlled media is a thing of the past. 1984 is long behind us and we are now at a stage of history were the biggest threat is a media controlled super power. A new political system, Murdochracy, has gradually degraded the political landscape of America and made it hostage to the whims of a few unelected media barons. The mass media conglomerates now dictate public agendas and determine policy outcomes. . . .
It should be evident by now that political power has shifted in America. The sooner peace activists come to grips with this new reality, the better they will serve the cause of peace and freedom. A new era demands new tactics. Directly confronting the warmongers at FOX, CNN and The New York Times should be given priority over demonstrating in front of deserted Capitol Hill buildings or a vacant White House. Systematically disbanding these ruinous mass media franchises is essential to resurrecting democratic institutions that have served America well for over two centuries. Restoring America’s vibrant democratic traditions requires public awareness of what it means to live under the rule of a media controlled state. As news consumers, we have potent options to confront and reverse Murdochracy. We can turn off FOX and CNN and tune in to fair and balanced alternative journalism or let the nation and the world taste more of the bitter fruit of Murdochracy."


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