Friday, June 04, 2004


"America is a wonderfully resilient country, but I don’t know if it could recover from another four years of Bush degrading our democracy and coarsening our spirit. Since when did torture become okay with us? When did rights and justice come to be viewed as impediments to our way of life? When did premeditated pre-emptive murder become a righteous cause? We are on the slope to depravity, led by a NASCAR Nazi who talks about Jesus while acting like a Roman emperor."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interestingly, I ended up here commenting on your blog through a search for the Lord. I was looking for blogs written by believers. At any rate, your use of His name landed your blog in the search results.

Based on your post I assume you are not a believer. However, I am encouraged by your inclusion of Christian themes: namely the spirit, righteousness, and the Lord Himself. Our nation has deep Christian roots, and its essence and imagery is not casually ensconced in our vernacular.

The real travesty we won't recover from is the fact that Christianity in it's straightforward form has never been tried on a large enough scale; it is afterall, a message of hope and love for one another. It's not about being better than anyone else, arrogant, or prideful. It's about building people up, not tearing them down. Too many Christians miss the boat on that.

Going to war isn't ideal, I agree. Not going to war is a gamble Bush wasn't going to take. Ironically, my take on American history is that the resilient country you mourn was paradoxically built on the courage of men like Bush who took a stand against evil; emphasis on evil. I'm willing to acknowledge this is up for debate. If it wasn't, you wouldn't have published the entry I am commenting on.

In the end, these are only words and empty arguments at that. What's left is in our hearts. I hear your compassion for Iraqi victims of human rights violations, for those unintended to be martyrs, and I share your concern. The best we can do is reach out and try and help others on a personal level, locally, wherever. If everyone did, we'd be better off.

Thanks for allowing me to contribute to your blog.

1:45 AM  
Blogger t said...

i agree w/ the spirit of your sentiments, but my beef w/ bush is he may not be the honest broker u imagine.

3:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an interesting take on christianity and conservativism from a 'christian' viewpoint:

4:24 PM  

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