Saturday, June 05, 2004

What is wrong with the Americans?

"Academics who specialize in Iraq are fond of the phrase "the shadow society." The theory says there is a small group of influential families who rule Iraq socially and economically regardless of who rules politically. They are a tight-knit class that has survived the Ottoman and British Empires, the Hashemite monarchy and the various dictators who have come in their place.
Sheik Answar al-Asi is a prominent member of the "shadow society." He is known as the "Emir of the Arabs." Al-Asi is the top man in a hierarchical pyramid of tribes that give allegiance to one leader above a large collection of families, clans and larger tribal groupings. He is the perfect man to try to get an answer to the question: why is the American presence in Iraq failing? . . .
"Where are the contracts that the Americans have promised us? Everything in this country is built by someone else, some foreign company. Why would we help them if they do not share the wealth of our own country?"
Al-Asi describes Iraqis as children outside a candy store gazing in the window, anxious and envious but unable to touch any of the sweets. He is also dismissive of the claim that if the Americans were to leave there would be civil war."


Blogger t said...

sounds suspiciously like some of our new england 'clans'.

8:33 PM  

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